Conflict of Interest
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For more information on Villa International's Conflict of Interest Policies and Procedures please click here.

This Annual Statement Regarding Conflict of Interest Policy (the “Annual Statement”) requires disclosure of certain Interests by officers, directors, Committee Members, employees and volunteers of Villa International Atlanta, Inc. (the "Organization"). It is not uncommon to have these Interests, but it is important to make known these Interests to the Organization. Use this document to disclose whether you or your Family Members have certain affiliations, interests or relationships with outside organizations.

Board Member Contact Information


Outside Affiliations

In accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedure (the “Policy”), please disclose any Interest or relationship that you have with a Vendor listed below that presents a potential Conflict of Interest in the last twelve months that ended 2024. For the purposes of the Policy, an Interested Person who receives compensation or has received compensation from the Organization in the last twelve months that ended 2024 is defined as a Vendor regardless of the amount of compensation received.

A. With the list of Organization’s Vendors listed below, please put an “X” next to each Vendor where you:
Vendor Name and Description of Relationship

3. Family Affiliations

A “Family Member” is defined as: a person’s brothers and sisters (including half siblings and step-siblings), children, grandchildren and great grandchildren (including step-children, step-grandchildren, and step-great grandchildren), ancestors (parents, grandparents, etc., including step-parents and step-grandparents) and spouses (of the person and any person in the foregoing categories). Family Members also include siblings, descendants and ancestors by adoption and by marriage. If a person qualifies as a Family Member of an Interested Person’s spouse, then that person shall be considered the Interested Person’s Family Member.

In accordance with the Policy, please disclose any Interest or relationship your Family Members have with a Vendor listed below, if any, that presents a potential Conflict of interest for you in the last twelve months that ended 2024.

A. With the list of Organization’s Vendors listed below, please put an “X” next to each Vendor where to the best of your knowledge a Family Member:

  1. Has more than a 35% ownership or investment interest in any Vendor or is a Vendor;
  2. Has a compensation arrangement with any Vendor;
  3. Has a potential ownership or investment interest of more than 35% in, or compensation arrangement with, any Vendor with which the Organization is negotiating a transaction or arrangement;
  4. Is an officer, director, employee or independent contractor of any Vendor;
  5. Has a non-ownership financial interest (e.g. loans, advances) in any Vendor such as a loan or cash advances; or

Has or has had a business transaction with any Vendor in the last twelve months that ended 2024.

B. Additionally, please disclose the identity of each interested Family Member and provide what type of relationship your Family Member has with each Vendor in the space provided below, if any. You may use the choices from Section 3A above.

Vendor Name and Name of Family Member and Type of Relationship Family Member Has with Vendor


In order to comply with the Annual Statement provision of the Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedure (the “Policy”) adopted by the Organization on July 19, 2023, the undersigned director, officer, Committee Member, employee or volunteer hereby affirms as follows:

  1. I have received a copy of the Policy,
  2. I have read and understand the Policy,
  3. I have agreed to comply with the Policy, and
  4. I understand the Organization is charitable and in order to maintain its federal tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes.
  5. I have answered the questions above completely and honestly regarding my relationship and any Family Member’s relationship, if any, with any listed Vendor.
Clear Signature