Rates & Policies
Atlanta, Georgia
33 Rooms, Private and Shared
All neighbors from around the world welcome
Villa charges guests by the night by the bed. You are not paying for a room–you are paying for whether your bed is in a private or shared room. Guests in your room will incur additional charges.
You cannot have visitors stay over without Villa’s knowledge. If you have a guest over, you must pay per night. Charges will be added to your room fees for all visitors. (Visitors do not pay Villa—they are added to your personal bill.) All visitors must adhere to Villa’s policies.
At this time, Villa International will only accept reservation requests from guests who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. You will be asked for documentation of vaccination at check-in.
Age Restrictions
We welcome guests of all ages. Most of our guests are young professionals and scholars between 22 and 40. Guests under 18 are welcome but are required to have a parent or legal guardian present. Guests aged 16 and older will be charged rent. Families with children 4 years of age and younger are welcome to stay up to one month.
Length of stay
We ask that guests request a reservation of a private room for no longer than six months. After six months guests are asked to share a room or find outside lodging. Villa is meant as a safe and friendly “landing space” for international guests traveling to Atlanta for work or study. Once you become familiar with the community, you will be expected to find permanent housing so that we can continue to welcome newcomers. Click here for a list of nearby apartments and housing options. There must be a 12-month break between stays to qualify for a private room upon return.
Room Availability
This online system is not connected to actual availability, so please complete a reservation request even if the room type you desire does not show as available. We work to accept as many reservations as possible. All requests will be confirmed within 3 business days OR we will email you regarding availability. Your room is not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation.
Check In and Check Out
- Check in is after 3 p.m. If you arrive between 3 p.m. and 11 p.m., please ring the doorbell and staff will check you in. If you arrive after 11 p.m., please enter with your room code and check in the following morning.
- Check out is 10 a.m. You can stay at Villa after 10 a.m., but you must leave the room for housekeeping to clean it for the next guest.
Room Change Fee
Villa is in the unique position of hosting international guests who need to book their stays well in advance. When guests change their reservations close to arrival, this keeps us from meeting our mission and accommodating other guests as we are not a traditional hotel with quick turnaround. We do not allow reservation date changes fewer than 14 days prior to arrival. If it is fewer than 14 days until your arrival and you are arriving at a later date, you can either 1) maintain your current reservation and charges will begin on the original date or 2) we will cancel the reservation for your entire stay. If you cancel the reservation with less than 72-hours notice, you will be charged up to $85/day for up to 3 nights.
Likewise, we require 14-days’ notice to change your departure date or you will be responsible for paying for all of the days you booked on your reservation. If you need to extend your stay, we will try to accommodate you if we have availability.
Villa has a 72-hour cancellation policy. If you cancel with less than 3 days’ notice, a cancellation fee of up to $85 per night will be charged for up to 3 nights.
Villa will not tolerate harassment by any person based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability status, or for any other reason whatsoever. Harassment is defined as unwanted, unwelcomed, and uninvited behavior that demeans, threatens, or offends the victim and results in a hostile environment for the victim. Harassing behavior may include, but is not limited to:
- Obscene or suggestive remarks, gestures, jokes, verbal abuse, or insults
- Displays of explicit, offensive, or demeaning materials
- Physical and/or verbal threats
- Impeding or blocking movement, offensive touching, or any physical interference with normal activity
- Any perceived form of harassment via any electronic device
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature. The victim as well as the harasser may be a woman or a man. The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex.
Villa strives to maintain an environment where guests can work and live free of harassment. In keeping with this policy, sexual harassment is specifically strictly forbidden. Any concerns should be brought to the attention of the director or front desk manager.
Other Prohibited Activities
The actions listed below are strictly prohibited. Any guest or participant who violates any part of this Code is subject to discipline, up to and including being asked to leave an activity, not being allowed to participate in future Villa activities, or being expelled from Villa all together. It is your responsibility to inform any guests you invite to Villa or Villa activities that they are also prohibited from these actions.
- Using abusive or offensive language towards a guest, staff member, volunteer, or other participant. Using profane, vulgar, or obscene language in public areas.
- Possession or use of illegal substances on Villa’s property or when involved in a Villa activity.
- Abuse or overindulgence of alcoholic beverages when on Villa property or involved in any Villa activity or event.
- Bringing onto Villa property or to any Villa activity any dangerous or unauthorized materials such as explosives, firearms, weapons, or other similar items.
- Discourtesy or rudeness to a guest, fellow participant, staff, or volunteer.
- Actual or threatened violence toward any individual or group while on Villa’s property or while involved in any Villa activity.
- Conduct on Villa property or while involved in a Villa activity which would endanger the life, safety, health, or well-being of others.
- Failure to follow any Villa policies, rules or procedures.
- Failure to abide by all local, State and Federal laws, rules and regulations.
Children at Villa
Children are welcome guests at Villa. But, as most guests are adults, children are expected to be well-behaved and reasonably quiet. Families with children 4 years of age or younger are welcome to stay for up to one month. Villa is not responsible for the safety or supervision of children at any time. Children under the age of 12 cannot play pool or play the piano without parental supervision. Parents are responsible for any damage caused by children to any Villa property. If you bring a child to live at Villa, you will be asked to sign a waiver upon arrival. Children of your guest visitors are your responsibility while they are at Villa.
Kitchen and Dining Room Policy
- All food must be eaten in the dining room. Any food outside of the dining room or in bedrooms will incur a $20/occurrence fine unless it is a Villa activity.
- All dishes must be washed, dried AND PUT AWAY at time of use. AT NO TIME should dishes be left in the sink or drying racks unless you are physically eating in the dining room. You will be charged a $20/day fine for each day anything is left in the sink, dish rack, stovetop or on the counter when you are not in the kitchen or dining room.
- Do not leave dirty pans on the stove tops or counter tops. Put away all food immediately and wash and put away all pots and pans. Your food will be thrown away and you will be fined $20/day.
- Nothing should be left on the counters. Put everything away. If you leave food or containers on the countertop and you are not in the dining room, they will be thrown away.