Contact Us

Located in the heart of Atlanta on the Emory Campus adjacent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Villa International Atlanta is located directly across from the CDC at:
1749 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta GA 30329

You are welcome to park in the Villa International parking lot. If the lot is full, please turn left out of the driveway and go up the hill to the Emory parking lot next to Villa and on the side of the CVS Pharmacy. The arms for the parking lot will be up and parking is free. 

Important: If using your GPS, please be sure the directions are not taking you to 1749 EAST Clifton Road which is a private house.

I-85 Southbound

Exit at North Druid Hills Road (Exit 89).
Turn left onto North Druid Hills Road.
Turn right onto Briarcliff Road.
Turn left onto Clifton Road, NE.
Villa International is approximately 1 mile on the left at 1749 Clifton Road, NE.
Turn left into the driveway.

I-85 Northbound

Exit at North Druid Hills Road (south) (Exit 89).
Turn right onto North Druid Hills Road.
Turn right onto Briarcliff Road.
Turn left onto Clifton Road, NE.
Villa International is approximately 1 mile on the left at 1749 Clifton Road, NE.
Turn left into the driveway.

I-75 North & Southbound

Travel to I-85 Northbound then follow the directions above.

I-20 Eastbound

Exit at Moreland Avenue (Exit 60).
Turn left onto Moreland Avenue. Moreland becomes Briarcliff Road.
Continue on Briarcliff for approximately 3 miles.
Turn right onto Clifton Road, NE.
Villa International is approximately 1 mile on the left at 1749 Clifton Road, NE.
Turn left into the driveway.

I-20 Westbound


at Moreland Avenue (Exit 60).

Turn right onto Moreland Avenue. Moreland becomes Briarcliff Road.
Continue on Briarcliff for approximately 3 miles.
Turn right onto Clifton Road, NE.
Villa International is approximately 1 mile on the left at 1749 Clifton Road, NE.
Turn left into the driveway.

Please send us a message. A reply will be returned the following business day

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